
The low-carb diet is a way of eating in which the intake of carbohydrates is greatly reduced. Instead, the focus is on protein-rich foods, healthy fats and fibre-rich vegetables.

Foods such as bread or pasta should therefore be avoided at best. And this is where Rietmann comes into play: our original protein bread has been available on the market for many years, which not only has a higher protein content than conventional bread, but also boasts a lower proportion of carbohydrates. This means that even those on a low-carb diet do not have to go without delicious bread.

Over the years, our team of bakers and master bakers, food technicians and chemists have developed a variety of delicious low-carb products. From different variations of the original protein evening bread to rolls and snack corners, right through to tasty, juicy burger buns. We were also able to win over star chef Klaus Erfort for one of our projects.

Original Protein Bread Campaign: “Fit wie ein Turnschuh”

Burger Mexican Style: Burger Patty aus Rinderhack und roten Bohnen, dazu Chilisauce und Guacamole
Burger Mexican Style: Burger Patty aus Rinderhack und roten Bohnen, dazu Chilisauce und Guacamole – feuriger geht´s nicht

From famous origins

Our LowCarb Burger is a consistent and careful further development of the original protein evening bread. It has revolutionised the baked goods market like no other product in recent years.

With 5.9 % carbohydrates and a protein content of 25.9 %, it is now regarded as the low-carb bread par excellence. It is impossible to imagine the bakery shelves of this world without it.

Our low carb burger!

As popular as the burger is, as feared – especially by low-carb fans and those wanting to lose weight – is the bun, the bun that traditionally makes the burger a burger.

Our LowCarb Burger is different! Equipped with a high protein content and sensationally low carbohydrate content, it fulfils modern requirements and also provides an extremely tasty topping. Its fluffy consistency and slightly crunchy interior make it the ideal accompaniment for all burger variations.

24/7 Low Carb with Klaus Erfort

Low Carb Brötchen mit Rührei und Gurke

Cooperation with 3-star chef Klaus Erfort

For our new 24/7 LowCarb line, we have brought one of the best on board. Together with Klaus Erfort, we have created some delicious low carb recipes.

Klaus Erfort is head chef and owner of the three-star restaurant GästeHaus Klaus Erfort in Saarbrücken. Since March 2002, he has been serving his guests his modern flavoured cuisine in a villa dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. In 2002, the restaurant was awarded its first Michelin star, followed by the second in 2004. Klaus Erfort received his third star in 2007. He was named Chef of the Year 2008 by Gault Millau and Chef of the Year 2009 by Feinschmecker.

In 2019, GästeHaus Klaus Erfort was once again voted one of the top 10 restaurants in Germany by the Michelin Guide.


Kategoriebild zu 24/7 LowCarb, im Hintergrund Sternekoch Klaus Erfort mit Proteinbrötchen in der Hand

24/7 LowCarb Sandwich

Whether sandwich or baguette, sandwich or roll – snacks have become an integral part of modern life and especially of everyday working life. Good bread is a matter of course. Vegetarian or gluten-free options are also a must nowadays. A low-carb version – high in protein, low in carbohydrates – is also indispensable.

24/7 LowCarb Protein Bread

After the market launch of the Original Egg White Dinner Bread exceeded all expectations, it was only a matter of time before other products followed. Many popular classics of bread culture have long forced low-carb fans to do without. The principle behind the Original Egg White Dinner Bread was and is the starting point for constantly expanding the range of related products. The LowCarb Egg White Bread is one of them.

24/7 LowCarb Protein Bread with Quinoa

Quinoa is a plant species from the goosefoot genus in the foxtail family. It has been known as a cultivated plant in the Andes for around 5000 years. It was voted ‘Plant of the Year’ in 2013 and is considered one of the best sources of protein in the world. What could be more obvious than launching a protein bread with ‘the best source of protein in the world’? May we introduce: our 24/7 LowCarb protein bread with quinoa!

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